

Media bulletin from the MUHC: 5:30 p.m. update

Published: 13 September 2006

The Montreal General Hospital emergency department is treating 11 victims of the shooting incident at Dawson College, all suffering from gunshot wounds to the head, abdomen, chest and other limbs. Of the 11, eight patients are critical. Three patients are in surgery, three are scheduled for surgery, two are stable and the others have minor injuries and are still undergoing medical evaluation.

Medical staff continues to ask that the public avoid the Emergency Room at the Montreal General Hospital in order to allow the staff to care for these victims. They are also urging people not to come to the Emergency Room looking for family members who may have been victims.

Psychological support is available through the MUHC at the Montreal General and the Montreal Children's hospitals, as well as at Concordia University (DB Clarke Building through CSSS de la Montagne (CLSC Metro)).

The Montreal Urban Police (SPVM) has set up two hotlines for family members at 514-280-2880 and 514-280-2806. The MUHC hotline for families is 514-843-2839.

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