

Professor Ruslan Goyenko awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Grant

Ruslan Goyenko, Associate Professor in Finance, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Grant

Published: 10 Oct 2019

Professor Warut Khern-am-nuai awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Warut Khern-am-nuai, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 10 Oct 2019

Professors Matthew Corritore and John-Paul Ferguson awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Matthew Corritore, Assistant Professor in Strategy & Organization, and John-Paul Ferguson, Assistant Professor in Organizational Behavior, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 10 Oct 2019

Professor Michelle Y. Lu awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Michelle Y. Lu, Assistant Professor in Marketing, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Juan Camilo Serpa awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Juan Camilo Serpa, Associate Professor in Operations Management, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Dongyoung Lee awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Dongyoung Lee, Assistant Professor in Accounting, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Arvind Karunakaran awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Arvind Karunakaran, Assistant Professor in Strategy & Organization, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Emine Sarigollu awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Emine Sarigollu, Associate Professor in Marketing, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Claire Heeryung Kim awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Claire Heeryung Kim, Assistant Professor in Marketing, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Daphne Demetry awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Daphne Demetry, Assistant Professor in Strategy & Organization, awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Kartik Ganju awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Kartik Ganju, Assistant Professor in Information Systems,聽awarded 2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

Published: 9 Oct 2019

Professor Paola Perez-Aleman awarded 2019 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

Paola Perez-Aleman, Associate Professor in Strategy and Organization, awarded 2019 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant.

Published: 18 Sep 2019

Sovereign credit risk and exchange rates: Evidence from CDS quanto spreads

Authors: Patrick Augustin, Mikhail Chernov and Dongho Song

Publication: Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming


Sovereign CDS quanto spreads tell us how financial markets view the interaction between a country鈥檚 likelihood of default and associated currency devaluations (the Twin Ds). A no-arbitrage model applied to the term structure of Eurozone quanto spreads can isolate the Twin Ds and gauge the associated risk premiums. Conditional on the occurrence of default, the true and risk-adjusted 1-week probabilities of devaluation are 42% (2%) and 90% (55%) for the core (periphery) countries. The weekly risk premium for Euro devaluation in case of default for the core (periphery) exceeds the regular currency premium by up to 18 (13) basis points.

Published: 12 Sep 2019

Paternalistic leadership and employee well-being: a moderated mediation model

Authors: Guohua He, Ran An, and Patricia Faison Hewlin

Publication: Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3, August 2019, Pages 645-663


Published: 12 Sep 2019

Measuring sovereign bond market integration

Authors: Ines Chaieb, Vihang Errunza, and Rajna Gibson Brandon

Publication: The Review of Financial Studies, Forthcoming


There is significant heterogeneity in the degree and dynamics of sovereign bond market integration across 21 developed and 18 emerging countries. We show that better spanning can significantly enhance market integration through local risk premia dissipation. Integration of the sovereign bond markets increases on average by about 10%, when a country moves from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile as a result of higher political stability and credit quality, lower inflation and inflation risk, and lower illiquidity. The 10% increase in integration leads to, on average, a decrease in the sovereign cost of funding of about 1% per annum.

Published: 12 Sep 2019


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