

Shared Mobility for Last-Mile Delivery: Design, Operational Prescriptions and Environmental Impact

Authors: Wei Qi, Lefei Li, Sheng Liu, Zuo-Jun Max Shen

Publication: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, Fall 2018


Published: 29 Mar 2018

On international migration: A review essay

Authors: Anthony C. Masi

Publication: Canadian Studies in Population, Vol. 44, No. 3-4, 2017


Published: 29 Mar 2018

Asset Pricing with Countercyclical Household Consumption Risk

Authors: George M. Constantinides and Anisha Ghosh

Publication: Journal of Finance, Vol. 72, No. 1, February 2017


We show that shocks to household consumption growth are negatively skewed, persistent, countercyclical, and drive asset prices. We construct a parsimonious model where heterogeneous households have recursive preferences. A single state variable drives the conditional cross-sectional moments of household consumption growth. The estimated model 铿乼s well the unconditional cross-sectional moments of household consumption growth and the moments of the risk-free rate, equity premium, price-dividend ratio, and aggregate dividend and consumption growth. The model-implied risk-free rate and price-dividend ratio are procyclical, while the market return has countercyclical mean and variance. Finally, household consumption risk explains the cross section of excess returns.

Read article: Journal of Finance

Published: 29 Mar 2018

What Is the Consumption-CAPM Missing? An Information-Theoretic Framework for the Analysis of Asset Pricing Models

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Anisha Ghosh, Christian Julliard, Alex P. Taylor

笔耻产濒颈肠补迟颈辞苍:听The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 30, No. 2, February 2017


We consider asset pricing models in which the SDF can be factorized into an observable component and a potentially unobservable one. Using a relative entropy minimization approach, we nonparametrically estimate the SDF and its components. Empirically, we find the SDF has a business-cycle pattern and significant correlations with market crashes and the Fama-French factors. Moreover, we derive novel bounds for the SDF that are tighter and have higher information content than existing ones. We show that commonly used consumption-based SDFs correlate poorly with the estimated one, require high risk aversion to satisfy the bounds and understate market crash risk.

Read article: The Review of Financial Studies

Published: 29 Mar 2018

Towards a conceptual multilayered framework of international entrepreneurship

Author: Hamid Etemad

Publication: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15, No. 3, September 2017


Published: 29 Mar 2018

The emergence of online global market place and the multilayered view of international entrepreneurship

Author: Hamid Etemad

Publication: Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2017


Published: 29 Mar 2018

Sharing demand-side energy resources - A conceptual design

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Wei Qi, Bo Shen, Hongcai Zhang, Zuo-Jun Max Shen

Publication: Energy, Vol. 135, September 2017


Published: 29 Mar 2018

How do stocks react to extreme market events? Evidence from Brazil

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Pedro Piccoli, Mo Chaudhury, Alceu Souza

笔耻产濒颈肠补迟颈辞苍:听Research in International Business and Finance,聽Vol.聽42,聽December 2017


Published: 29 Mar 2018

Volatility and expected option returns: A note

Authors: Mo Chaudhury

Publication: Economics Letter, Vol. 152, March 2017


We show analytically that the relationship between asset volatility and expected option return is ambiguous. Numerical results elaborate how the direction and magnitude of the relationship depend on asset beta and volatility levels, and option moneyness and maturity.

Published: 29 Mar 2018

鈥淚 am Not a Feminist, but. . .鈥: Hegemony of a Meritocratic Ideology and the Limits of Critique Among Women in Engineering

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Carroll Seron, Susan Silbey, Erin Cech, Brian Rubineau

Publication: Work and Occupations, Forthcoming


Published: 29 Mar 2018

Response Is Not Prevention: Management Insights for Reducing Campus Sexual Assault

Authors: Brian Rubineau, Nazampal Jaswal聽

Publication: Education Law Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2017


Published: 29 Mar 2018

The Effects of Asymmetric Social Ties, Structural Embeddedness and Tie Strength on Online Content Contribution Behavior

Authors: Rishika Rishika and Jui Ramaprasad

Publication: Management Science, Forthcoming


For a social media community to thrive and grow, it is critical that users of the site interact with each other and contribute content to the site. We study the role of social ties in motivating user preference expression, a form of user content contribution, in an online social media community. We examine the role of three types of ties, reciprocated, follower and followee ties, and assess whether the structural and relational properties of a user鈥檚 social network moderate the social influence effect in user contribution. A unique disaggregate level panel dataset of users鈥 contributions and social tie formation activities from an online music platform is employed to study the impact of social ties. To address identification issues, we adopt a quasi-experimental approach based on dynamic propensity score matching. The results provide strong evidence of the influence of online network ties in online contribution behavior. We find that the influence of reciprocated ties is the greatest, followed by influence from followee ties and then follower ties. Additional analysis reveals that reciprocated and followee ties have even greater influence when they contribute new information for a focal user. Structural embeddedness and tie strength among network ties are found to amplify the effect of social contagion in online contribution. We conduct several sensitivity and robustness checks that lend credible support to our findings. The results add to the greater understanding of social influence in online contribution and provide valuable managerial insights into designs of online communities to enable greater user participation.

Published: 26 Mar 2018

Love Unshackled: Identifying the Effect of Mobile App Adoption in Online Dating

Authors: JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Jui Ramaprasad and Akhmed Umyarov

Publication: MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming


The proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices has led to numerous companies investing significant resources in developing mobile applications, in every imaginable domain. As apps proliferate, understanding the impact of app adoption on key outcomes of interest and linking this understanding to the the underlying mechanisms that drive these results is imperative. In this paper, we explore the changes in user behavior induced by adoption of a mobile application, in terms of engagement and matching outcomes in the online dating context. We also identify three mechanisms that are somewhat unique to the mobile environment, but are hitherto unestablished in the literature, that drive this shift in behavior 鈥 ubiquity, impulsivity and disinhibition. Our main identification strategy uses propensity score matching combined with difference-in-differences, coupled with a rigorous falsification test to confirm the validity of our identification strategy. Our results demonstrate that mobile app adoption induces users to become more socially engaged as measured by key engagement metrics such as visiting significantly more profiles, sending significantly more messages, and importantly, achieving more matches. We also discover various mechanisms facilitating this increased engagement: ubiquity of mobile use 鈥 users login more, and login across wider range of hours in the day. We find that men act more impulsively, in that they are less likely to check the profile of a user who messaged them before replying to them. This effect is not visible for women who continue to be deliberate in their checking before replying even after adoption of the mobile app. Finally, we find that both men and women exhibit disinhibition, in that users initiate actions to a more diverse set of potential partners than they did before on dimensions of race, education and height.

Published: 26 Mar 2018

Social value, content value, and brand equity in social media brand communities: A comparison of Chinese and US consumers

Authors: Yongbing Jiao, Myriam Ertz, Myung-Soo Jo and Emine Sarig枚ll眉

Publication: International Marketing Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2018


Published: 23 Mar 2018

Designing Risk-Adjusted Therapy for Patients with Hypertension

Authors: Manaf Zargoush, Mehmet Gumus, Vedat Verter, Stella Daskalopoulou

Journal Name: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming


Hypertension has not been well studied by operations researchers from a clinical decision support perspective. Moreover, little personalized (i.e. patient-centric) guidance is available regarding the number and combination of antihypertensive medications. To fill this gap, we develop a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to characterize the optimal sequence (and combination) of antihypertensive medications under the standard medication dose. Our model is patient-centric as it takes into account a set of relevant patient characteristics such as age, gender, blood pressure level, smoking habits, diabetes status, and cholesterol level. Based on a set of intuitive assumptions, we prove that our model yields a series of structured optimal policies. Having calibrated our model based on real data and medical literature, we analyze these optimal policies and discuss their insights to the real practice. We also compare the benefits, in terms of quality adjusted life expectancy, QALE, obtained from our results with those obtained from British Hypertension Society (BHS) guideline.

Published: 20 Mar 2018


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