

Suzanne Gagnon and Saku Mantere awarded 2016 SSHRC Insight Grant

Congratulations to Professor Suzanne Gagnon of Organizational Behaviour and Saku Mantere of Strategy and Organization on being awarded 2016 SSHRC Insight Grant" "Social Innovation in Human Rights, Equity and Diversity: Complex Systems and Discourses of Change".

Published: 24 Oct 2016

Exploring pro-environmental behaviors of consumers: An analysis of contextual factors, attitude, and behaviors

ܳٳǰ:Ertza, M.,Karakasb, F.,Sarigöllü, E.

Publication: Journal of Business Research


Published: 24 Oct 2016

Trade-offs and disappearing acts: shifting societal discourses of diversity in Canada over three decades

Authors: Cukier, W., Gagnon, S., Roach, E., Elmi, M., Yap, M., Rodrigues, S.

Publication: The International Journal of Human Resource Management


Published: 20 Oct 2016

Resistance through difference: The co-constitution of dissent and inclusion

ܳٳǰ:Gagnon, S., Collinson, D. L.

Publication: Organization Studies


Published: 6 Oct 2016

Coping and Construal Level Matching Drives Health Message Effectiveness via Response Efficacy or Self-Efficacy Enhancement

Authors: Han, D.,Duhachek, A.,Agrawal, N.

Publication: Journal of Consumer Research


Published: 6 Oct 2016

Measuring the Efficiency of Category-Level Sales Response to Promotions

ܳٳǰ:Trivedi, M.,Gauri, D.K., Yu, M.

ʳܲپDz:Management Science, Vol. 63, No. 10, October 2017


Published: 6 Oct 2016

Designing Promotion Ladders to Mitigate Turnover of IT Professionals

ܳٳǰ:MacCrory, F.,Choudhary, V.,Pinsonneault, A.

Publication: Information Systems Research


Published: 6 Oct 2016

To Group or Not to Group? Evidence from Mutual Fund Databases

Authors: Saurin Patel andSergei Sarkissian

ʳܲپDz:Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,Vol. 52, No. 5, 2017, pp. 1989-2021.


Published: 6 Oct 2016

Folding and Unfolding: Balancing Openness and Transparency in Open Source Communities

Authors: Vaast, E., Shaikh, M.

Publication: Information Systems Research


Published: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Assistant Professor David Schumacher of Finance on receiving NFA 2016 Best Paper Award on ETFs in Asset Management

Congratulations to Assistant Professor David Schumacher of Finance on receiving NFA 2016 Best Paper Award on ETFs in Asset Management for "Who is afraid of BlackRock?".

Authors: Schumacher, D., Wang, Y., Massa, M.

Publication: Social Science Research Network

Published: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Associate Professor Emmanuelle Vaast of Information Systems on receiving the 2016 Best Paper Award by Information & Organization

Congratulations to Associate Professor Emmanuelle Vaast of Information Systems on receiving the 2016 Best Paper Award by Information & Organization for "Speaking as One, But Not Speaking up: Dealing with New Moral Taint in an Occupational Online Community".

Authors: Vaast, E., Levina, N.

Published: 6 Oct 2016

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Mary Dean Lee of Organizational Behavior on being awarded JMS Best Paper 2015

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Mary Dean Lee of Organizational Behavioron being awarded JMS Best Paper 2015 for "Going Off Script: How Managers Make Sense of the Ending of Their Careers".

Published: 6 Oct 2016

The legacy of Jaclyn Fisher: Career Management Fair in her memory a success

Dollard des Ormeaux’sJaclyn (Jackie) Lea Fisherpassed away on March 21, 2015, following a lengthy battle with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and primary peritoneal carcinoma, a rare cancer, especially in young adults.

Published: 30 Sep 2016

Congratulations to Professor Vedat Verter on receiving a CIHR/SSHRC Healthy and Productive Work Partnership Development Grant

Congratulations to Professor Vedat Verter (Co-investigator) on receiving a CIHR/SSHRC Healthy and Productive Work Partnership Development Grant for, Strengths-Based Nursing Management and Leadership Training with Innovative Story-sharing. This program is very competitive; of the 20 grants awarded, ϲʿ was granted one.

Published: 16 Sep 2016

Congratulations to Professor Brian Rubineau on receiving a SSHRC Partnership grant

Congratulations to Professor Brian Rubineau (Co-investigator) on receiving a SSHRC Partnership grant for, A multi-sector partnership to investigate and develop policy and practice models to dismantle rape culture in universities, which was ranked 3rd

Published: 16 Sep 2016


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