

Correcting for misspecification in parameter dynamics to improve forecast accuracy with adaptively estimated models

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Kolsarici, C. and聽Vakratsas, D.

Publication: Management Science聽

Published: 30 Oct 2015

Tipping Points: The Gender Segregating and Desegregating Effects of Network Recruitment

Authors: Fernandez, R. M. and Rubineau, B.

Publications: Organization Science

Published: 21 Oct 2015

Credit Default Swaps: Past, Present, and Future

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Augustin, P., Subrahmanyam, M. G.,聽Tang, D. Y., and Wang, S. Q.

Publications: Annual Review of Financial Economics

Published: 16 Oct 2015

A multi-period location model with transportation economies-of-scale and perishable inventory

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Wu, T.,聽Shen, H., and聽Zhu, C.

Publications:聽International Journal of Production Economics

Published: 16 Oct 2015

Using food as reinforcer to shape children's non-food behavior: The adverse nutritional effect doubly moderated by reward sensitivity and gender

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Ji Lu,聽Suhong Xiong,聽Narendra Arora,聽Laurette Dub茅

Publication: Eating Behaviours



Published: 1 Oct 2015

Effects of upstream and downstream mergers on supply chain profitability

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Zhu, J.,聽Boyaci, T.聽and聽Ray, S.

Publications:聽European Journal of Operational Research

Published: 29 Sep 2015

Professor Patrick Augustin wins Best Paper on Empirical Finance

Professor Patrick Augustin wins Best Paper on Empirical Finance at the 2015 Northern Finance Association Annual Meeting for his paper "Informed Options Trading prior to M&A Announcements: Insider Trading?" with co-authors Menachem Brenner and Marti G. Subrahmanyam.

Published: 25 Sep 2015

Informed Options Trading prior to M&A Announcements: Insider Trading?

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Augustin,聽P., Brenner, M., and Subrahmanyam,聽M. G.聽

Publications: Social Science Research Network

Published: 23 Sep 2015

Outsourcing in the International Mutual Fund Industry: An Equilibrium View

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Chuprinin, O.,聽Massa, M., and聽Schumacher, D.

Publications: Journal of Finance, Vol. 70, No. 5, 2015

Published: 15 Sep 2015

Search and Integration in External Venturing: An Inductive Examination of Corporate Venture Capital Units

Authors: Sandip Basu, Corey C. Phelps聽and Suresh Kotha

Publications: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Published: 15 Sep 2015

Shareholder value implications of service failures in triads: The case of customer information security breaches

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Modi, S.B.,聽Wiles, M.A., and Mishra, S.

Publication: Journal of Operations Management

Published: 9 Sep 2015

Financial Relationships and the Limits to Arbitrage

Authors: Kondo, J. E. and Papanikolaou, D. Publication: Review of Finance Abstract:

Published: 4 Sep 2015

PhD Candidate Mahmood Zargar Wins Best Student Paper Award at OCIS

PhD student Mahmood Zargar has won the best student paper award from the Organizational Communication & Information Systems division of the Academy of Management for his paper: 鈥淚nterplay between social structure and knowledge reuse in open innovation communities".

Published: 4 Sep 2015

Clinical and demographic factors associated with post-lung transplantation survival in individuals with cystic fibrosis

Authors: Stephenson, A.L.,聽Sykes, J.,聽Berthiaume, Y.,聽Singer, L.G.,聽Aaron, S.D.,聽Whitmore, G.A., and聽Stanojevic, S.

Publication: The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation

Published: 24 Aug 2015

Using food as reinforcer to shape children's non-food behavior: The adverse nutritional effect doubly moderated by reward sensitivity and gender

础耻迟丑辞谤蝉:听Lu, J., Xiong, S., Arora, N., and Dub茅, L.

Publication:聽Eating Behaviors

Published: 24 Aug 2015


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