

Emerald/EFMD Doctoral Award Winners

Dr Pamela Lirio (PhD鈥11) received the distinction by the editors of Personnel Review as a Highly Commended Award winner of the 2011 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Human Resource Management category for her paper entitled: 鈥淏eyond the Expatriate Model: An Exploration of Global Work and Reconciliation of Work and Family Demands among Global Generation X Managers in Dual-Career Families.鈥

Published: 18 Oct 2012

A model of food reward learning with dynamic reward exposure

Authors: Hammond, Ross A.; Ornstein, Joseph T.; Fellows, Lesley K.; Dub茅, Laurette; Levitan, Robert N.; Dagher, Alain


Published: 18 Oct 2012

Supply-side story: Risks, guarantees, competition, and information asymmetry

Authors: Gumus, Mehmet; Ray, Saibal; Gurnani, Haresh


Published: 5 Oct 2012

Desautels Professor Liette Lapointe publishes one of the Best Articles in Medical Informatics

Professor Liette Lapointe's article was selected by the Editorial Board of the 2012 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics as one of the best articles from the literature in medical informatics published in the past year.

The article is entitled:聽

"The IT productivity paradox in health: a stakeholder's perspective." Int J Med Inform 2011 Feb;80(2):102-15.

Published: 25 Sep 2012

Effects of strategic alignment on IS success: the mediation role of IS investment in Korea

Authors: Chung, Sunghun; Van Hillegersberg, Jos; Suh, Hanjun; Choi, Jinho


Published: 20 Sep 2012

Learning to Lead, Unscripted: Developing Affiliative Leadership Through Improvisational Theatre

Authors: Gagnon, Suzanne; Vough, Heather C.; Nickerson, Robert


Published: 5 Sep 2012

Fostering "Why not?" social initiatives - beyond business and governments

Authors: Mintzberg, Henry; Azevedo, Guilherme


Published: 5 Sep 2012


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