MScPH Public Health Day 2022 /epi-biostat-occh/taxonomy/term/9793/all en Livable cities: Streets /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-environmental-health-global-health/liveable-cities-streets-global-example-one-line-description-policy-document-highlighting-global <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Joe Abou-Malhab about his practicum on January 31st from 4:00-4:30pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:18:19 +0000 Joe Abou-Malhab 4190375 at /epi-biostat-occh Ethical Analysis of Two Opioid Harm Reduction Interventions in Quebec: The Distribution of Fentanyl Detection Strips and the Distribution of Naloxone to Youth Under the Age of 14 /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-public-health-programs/ethical-analysis-two-opioid-harm-reduction-interventions-quebec-distribution-fentanyl-detection <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Myriam Ben Moussa about her practicum on January 31st from 4:30-5:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:24:44 +0000 Myriam Ben Moussa 4190376 at /epi-biostat-occh Evaluation of Manitoba Harm Reduction Network and Infectious Questions Podcast /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-public-health-programs/research-and-production-podcast-episodes-series-infectious-questions-facilitating-knowledge <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Christopher Bransfield about their practicum on January 31st from 3:45-4:15pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:27:48 +0000 Christopher Bransfield 4190377 at /epi-biostat-occh Project Bhalakushari - A life course approach to mental health of older refugees /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-mental-health/life-course-approach-mental-health-older-bhutanese-refugees-community-based-participatory-research <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Alexa Carroll about her practicum on January 31st from 3:30-4:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> <h2>Video Presentation</h2> <p>View Alexa Carroll's poster presentation in this video recording:</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:30:47 +0000 Alexa Carroll 4190378 at /epi-biostat-occh A new Paradigm in Oncology Challenging the Current Health Technology Assessment Framework: A Structured Review /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-health-systems-economics/review-economic-evaluations-tumour-agnostic-therapies-and-understanding-economic-and-reimbursement <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Alexandre Couture about his practicum on January 31st from 3:45-4:15pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:33:17 +0000 Alexandre Couture 4190406 at /epi-biostat-occh Healthcare System Impact on Deceased Organ Donation /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-global-health/healthcare-system-impact-deceased-organ-donation-and-transplantation-comparison-between-top-10 <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Sandra Cowie about her practicum on January 31st from 4:00-4:30pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:36:03 +0000 Sandra Cowie 4190407 at /epi-biostat-occh A Scoping Review of the Climate Change, Violent Conflict, and Mental Health Intersection in the Sahel: Systems Dynamics Model Development /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-environmental-health-global-health/developing-model-interactions-between-climate-change-conflict-and-mental-health-support-humanitarian <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Tim D'Aoust about his practicum on January 31st from 4:00-4:30pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:42:09 +0000 Tim D'Aoust 4190409 at /epi-biostat-occh Structural interventions implemented in OECD countries that report on racial inequities in population health outcomes: a systematic review /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-determinants-health-inequity/scoping-review-structural-determinants-health-and-health-inequity-interventions-affecting-population <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Emily Cranston about her practicum on January 31st from 3:30-4:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:39:45 +0000 Emily Cranston 4190408 at /epi-biostat-occh What's on Canada's Plate? Visualizing the results from the 2014-2015 Foodbook Study /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-surveillance/whats-canadas-plate-visualizing-results-2014-2015-foodbook-study <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Lilian Diaz about her practicum on January 31st from 4:45-5:15pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:43:51 +0000 Lilian Diaz 4190410 at /epi-biostat-occh The Convergence of Video Gaming and Gambling /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-public-health-programs/understanding-impact-gambling-and-gaming-industries-children-and-youth-recommend-protective-public <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Sophie Duffy about her practicum on January 31st from 4:30-5:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:46:29 +0000 Sophie Duffy 4190411 at /epi-biostat-occh Modified Threshold Desensitization in Children for Peanut, Tree Nut and Sesame Allergy: An Observational Study /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-public-health-programs/modified-threshold-desensitization-infants-and-toddlers-peanut-tree-nut-and-sesame-allergy <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Dima Elgendy about her practicum on January 31st from 4:30-5:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:48:46 +0000 Dima Elgendy 4190412 at /epi-biostat-occh Violent Radicalization and Meaning in Life /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022/meaning-life-future-orientation-and-support-violent-radicalization-among-canadian-college-students <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Gabrielle Geenen about her practicum on January 31st from 3:30-4:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 21:50:10 +0000 Gabrielle Geenen 4190413 at /epi-biostat-occh Factors that Influence Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Bangladesh /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-global-health/exploring-risk-factors-sexual-and-gender-based-violence-bangladesh-well-best-practices-intervention <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Hinna Hafeez about her practicum on January 31st from 4:30-5:00pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 22:03:54 +0000 Hinna Hafeez 4190441 at /epi-biostat-occh Using community health workers and in-home LED phototherapy to dramatically reduce brain damage from neonatal jaundice in low to middle income countries- a feasibility trial /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-global-health/using-community-health-workers-and-home-led-phototherapy-dramatically-reduce-brain-damage-neonatal <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Sheikh Rokiya Hasan about her practicum on January 31st from 4:00-4:30pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:04:51 +0000 Sheikh Rokiya Hasan 4190820 at /epi-biostat-occh Data-Driven Approaches for an HIV Prevention Delivery System: Historical and Routine Data Analysis for the Blantyre Prevention Strategy /epi-biostat-occh/article/mscph-public-health-day-2022-global-health-infectious-diseases-including-covid/working-blantyre-prevention-strategy-which-involves-development-and-use-data-user-study-and <h2>Live Presentation</h2> <p>Speak with Nareesa Karmali about her practicum on January 31st from 4:00-4:30pm via this <a href="">zoom link</a>.</p> Thu, 23 Dec 2021 05:09:01 +0000 Nareesa Karmali 4190821 at /epi-biostat-occh