

The curriculum of the Chemical Biology Option is structured so that in completing the Option, students also complete the course requirements for the regular graduate programs in their home departments. For this reason, program requirements are listed separately below for each department, even though the 'core' content in Chemical Biology (9 lecture credits plus 2 or 4 seminar credits for each program) is the same for each.

See course requirements for the Chemical Biology option:

Seminars in Chemical Biology

Students registered for the Option take part in the Seminars in Chemical Biology series. These are organized jointly by the Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry and feature presentations by speakers working in diverse areas within the field.

During their visits, seminar speakers will meet specially with students in the program to provide a wider overview of their area of interest. In preparation for these meetings, students will be asked to read, and to be prepared to discuss, papers suggested by the speaker.

M.Sc. or Ph.D. students register for two or four semesters of the Chemical Biology seminar series, respectively. Upcoming seminars and workshops are listed on the Chemical Biology Seminars and Workshops pages.

Workshops/Research Day

Students in the program also participate in two thematic workshops per year (one each semester), and in an annual Research Day. Each workshop is one or two days in length and focusses on a single topic, such as proteomics, combinatorial chemistry, bioinformatics, structural biology, or issues in professional practice.

The annual Research Day features presentations of their research by students in the second and subsequent years of their programs. Participation in the Workshops is required for three or six semesters, respectively, for students seeking the M.Sc. or PhD. Option.

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