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Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option

The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option is an alternative course-specific grading scheme that lets undergraduate students take courses outside their areas of specialization without fear of decreasing their GPAs.

S/U OPTION: As part of theÌýAdjusted Academic Measures, students should use the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Request Form to flag one or more courses with the S/U option.ÌýYou are limited to onlyÌýoneÌýS/U form submission. The deadline to submit your request for winter 2021 can be found here.

ISoN Regulations / Considerations:



For all students:

Students are encouragedÌýto reflect on whether the S/U grading option is in fact the best choice in their specific circumstance.

The University resource page also has more information on the S/U grading option.

S/U is a student request not an instructor choice. The student request will still need to be evaluated and approved within the School based on the parameters of eligibility.

The S/U appears on transcripts but is not used in the calculation of GPAs. Within ISoN, the student numeric and/or letter grades will continue to be used when reviewing dossiers for promotion from QY to MSc.1, for assessing Student Standing and Promotions, for identifying students who meet the criteria for clinical support, and for other similar purposes.

Teachers will still grade you as per usual grading of the course. However only the S or U will appear on the student transcript.ÌýNo retraction is possible after the approval is given.

Please note that within the Ingram School of Nursing, a grade of ‘D’ is considered a failing grade for undergraduate students. If the S/U option were to be requested, if approved, a grade of ‘D’ would be reflected as ‘U’ on the student transcript.

A "U" grade will have the same impact factor on standings and promotions as an "F" grade would. A "U" grade signifies that you did not successfully meet the course requirement. Same standing and promotion procedures would apply.

Please consult the Undergraduate Student Handbook for more information on the grading policies and procedures within ISoN.

For U0 students:

If you are a U0 student, you should use when considering whether to apply the S/U option for their course(s)

The requirement of a term GPA of 2.5 will be waived however all U0 students must have a CGPA of 2.0 to enter into U1 clinical nursing courses (i.e., NUR1 234, 235, 230).

Contact student-affairs-officer.nursing [at] mcgill.ca if assistance is needed with this calculator or if there are any questions.

For all other UG students:

The S/U option cannot be requested for P/F, clinical, HPA orÌýSkills courses.

All students are encouraged to use to assess their situation and help them determine the impact factor of S/U on their CGPA will demonstrate the difference in GPA with S/U options and without. For example, depending on your post graduation needs, S/U is either a good option for you or not. Another example, U1 and U2 students may want to consider their academic performance over the several semesters so far - if the trajectory is steady and consistently Satisfactory and CGPA already over 3.2 then the one semester with S/U grades has little impact on your final graduating GPA.

The original letter or numeric grade assigned in cases of an "S" grade, as indicated above, may be referred to for purposing of offering better support to students. For example, in NUR1 #3# non P/F graded courses, it is important to know if you will need clinical support when moving into your next clinical experience. Referencing the original grade helps us to better support you. When requesting the S/U keep this in mind.

For those intending to apply to graduate studies, under normal circumstances, there are programs which will frown upon S/U and even P/F as these guise performance. Enrolment Services communicated that there will be a narrative added to the transcripts to explain the extenuating circumstances for this semester. For Masters of Science Applied applications to theÌýAdvanced NursingÌýor NP majors inÌýISoN programs, we are too early in this adjustment period to know what impact factor this will have for applicants to the ISoN Nursing masters as the context we are facing is unusual. The admissions committee members are aware of the situation and will be considering how this may impact your application.

In Course and Graduation awards may be affected in that the GPA is often the sole factor for these being awarded. As such, awards committee members may need a recalculation of the GPA for students who opt for S/U.

Overall, students who even with these guidelines are struggling with the decision, are encouraged to consult with their student-affairs-officer.nursing [at] mcgill.ca (Student Affairs Officer.)



The S/U option does not apply to doctoral students.

All other graduate students:

Students are encouragedÌýto reflect on whether the S/U grading option is in fact the best choice in their specific circumstance.

The University resource page also has more information on the S/U grading option. Please note that the University’s S/U request form is not yet accessible.

S/U is a student request not an instructor choice. The student request will still need to be evaluated and approved within the School based on the parameters of eligibility.

The S/U appears on transcripts but is not used in the calculation of GPAs. Within ISoN, the student numeric and/or letter grades will continue to be used when reviewing dossiers for promotion from QY to MSc.1, for assessing Student Standing and Promotions, for identifying students who meet the criteria for clinical support, and for other similar purposes.

Teachers will still grade you as per usual grading of the course. However only the S or U will appear on the student transcript.ÌýNo retraction is possible after the approval is given.

Please note that within the Ingram School of Nursing, a grade of less than 65% is considered a failing grade for graduate students. If the S/U option were to be requested, if approved, a grade of less than 65% would be reflected as ‘U’ on the student transcript.

A "U" grade will have the same impact factor on standings and promotions as an "F" grade would. A "U" grade signifies that you did not successfully meet the course requirement. Same standing and promotion procedures would apply.

Please consult the Graduate Student Handbook for more information on the grading policies and procedures within ISoN.

A grade of S/U will not be calculated into your GPA. This may be a disadvantage for students who would benefit from good grades to boost their GPA or highlight their academic achievements (e.g, if the student wants to apply for competitive funding, fellowships or awards.)

Overall, students who even with these guidelines are struggling with the decision, are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor (concentration lead or supervisor).



To be confirmed.




K-Grade Option

A K grade is a temporary grade assigned to a student in a course to allow for an extension to complete course work.

  • Normally, Grades of K must be cleared by July 30 for winter courses.ÌýIf no new grade is assigned by the deadline (replacement grade or KE for UGs or K* for Graduate grade), and the deadline is met, then the student's K grade will convert to an F grade.





Students requesting an extension of their course work (i.e. K grade) need to discuss this first with their Course Coordinator.

Please note that, if you are in your final semester, extensions may impact your scheduled graduation term.

Overall, students who even with these guidelines are struggling with the decision, are encouraged to consult with their student-affairs-officer.nursing [at] mcgill.ca (Student Affairs Officer.)



Students requesting an extension of their course work (i.e. K grade) need to discuss this first with their Course Coordinator.

Please note that, if you are in your final semester, extensions may impact your scheduled graduation term.

Requests for 'K' grades requires aÌýÌýwritten agreement between the Course Coordinator, Program Director (GR) and the student and will result in a temporary grade of ‘K’ on the transcript until the outstanding course work is submitted and the deferred exam (where applicable) is completed.Ìý

Note to Doctoral students: The K grade may work for some, but others may feel that their summer is so unpredictable with the threats of having to return to work, or the possibility of having their kids all summer with no daycare, that you may prefer to finish your schoolwork ASAP rather than drag a major paper over the summer.

Overall, students who even with these guidelines are struggling with the decision, are encouraged to consult with their academic advisor (concentration lead or supervisor).




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